The Universal Pathway

Deliver the future of public services
Learn how to turn innovation into action at every level of government through the Universal Pathway. Master the expertise necessary to be a public servant capable of scaling emerging technologies in an age of accelerated digitalisation. 

Universal Pathway Outcomes

Innovation isn’t isolated to the startup world. In fact, truly modern, efficient public services built around citizens’ needs can be created in the corridors of public services. The Universal Pathway teaches the skills, tools, and knowledge needed to understand the digital economy, the technologies that underpin it, and how to harness its transformative potential for the benefit of citizens. Universal Pathway participants will leave with the ability to:

Promote and facilitate best practices for idea generation and iteration.        
Identify, exploit and scale new technologies using a wide range of disciplines for their own work context.
Research, experiment and take boundaried risks when considering use cases within departments.
Take an idea from concept through to delivery, using agile methodology to test and refine.
Enhance strategic thinking to gain maximum traction on your technology initiatives.

The Learning Experience

Part-time, 6 month programme designed to equip leaders with the knowledge and the tools to transform public services for citizens and modernise the way the public sector operates.Remote-first programme with key touchpoints in central London, including orientation and graduation events
Practical Impact
Expert faculty will deliver interactive lectures & workshops, capturing and showcasing impact stories, best practices, and case-studies capable of being built on and strengthened by other government departments.
Collaboratory Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Cohorts will gain access to on-demand learning content, helping introduce them to new concepts, consolidate knowledge, and reflect on how to apply their projects in real-time.
Discover approaches and tools that support innovation both in and outside of government through access to over 100+ GovTech startups.
Citizen First
Grounded in the principles and practices of user-centred design, participants will become familiar with how to marry government policy and public sector services with the real-time needs of citizens.
Innovation Project
Immersive, project-based learning experience designed for participants to develop an ‘innovation lightning pitch’ - a problem statement and solution proposal tackling a live problem faced in their organisation.
Pitch Perfect
Opportunity to pitch and deliver innovation journey presentations to relevant leaders with constructive feedback on how to deploy projects following graduation.

Programme Themes

Business Fundamentals
A mini-MBA: learn commercial forecasting and modelling, market-sizing, risk, accounting, and growth.
Startup Culture Mindset
Sustain strategic advantage through becoming well versed in how to implement agile working methods and tools to deliver better services at pace.
Sector Dynamics
Draw on a deeper sectoral understanding of the market landscape and be able to navigate evolving market dynamics around applications of emerging technologies.
User-Centred Design
Capture and be guided by user insights across each phase of public services’ design and delivery process to ensure you prioritise user needs and validate impact.
Disruptive Technologies
Strengthen knowledge and expertise on the applicability of everything from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Privacy Enhancing Technology and Blockchain to the public sector.
Driving Transformation
Shape the future of public services by learning how to implement change initiatives and culture frameworks which incentivise innovation within your team, department, and organisation.
Data-Driven Policy
Practice data analysis to model alternative approaches, interrogate assumptions and build in evaluation mechanisms to understand the impact of policies and iterate solutions over time.
The Technology Marketplace
Know where to procure high-impact, cost-effective technology solutions and gain an overview into how to structure procurement processes in an agile way.

Your goals don’t fit perfectly within one of these themes? No problem.

We tailor every programme to the unique needs of each client.
Let’s have a chat and build what works for you.

Who is this pathway for?

Director for Public Service Reform at a Combined Authority.
She has a remit to improve efficiency and develop more citizen-centred services.
Programme Director at a Local Government Authority
She is aiming to improve implementation of new technology within her organisation to make better, data-driven decisions.  
Director of Transformation for an NHS Trust.
He wants to learn how to drive digital transformation and foster a culture of innovation within all members of his organisation.  
Director in a central government department.
He wants to improve his knowledge of cybersecurity and how he can reduce vulnerabilities in the digital projects within his organisation.

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